I can't lie... I almost lost my way.
Since my last posting the last phase of my life has officially ended and I'm firmly in 'anything could happen' land. I've gone through a few stages along the way...
Knowing I was leaving my job but not really 'feeling' it. This lead to zero activity on the pro-active front and an all round grey mentality.
Due to a realisation that while numbness wasn't such a terrible place to be considering the tears, stress and mass panic surrounding my final few days in the workplace, I decided to tick a few boxes. Handovers were completed, contracts signed off, things put in place, discounts allocated and CV updated. I also made the decision that while I love my flat I need to be mobile as I don't necessarily want to stay in this city so the cats will soon relocate to mums (for the time being) and I will be letting my apartment go in favor of couch surfing and flat shares. Storage organised.
An exceptionally dangerous stage that can often lead to procrastination which as we all know is the enemy of anyone trying to make things happen. This pretty much came about during my most recent bridesmaid duties trip. Having officially left the office for the last time and having said my goodbyes while being met with a myriad of 'what are you gonna do's', my mind wandered a little and I have to say, my lazy kicked in. Then I had to remind myself "This is not a holiday".
I don't know if it was the constant stream of 'what now' questions, the realisation that the sum of money I'm leaving with isn't enough for me to become some mad entrepreneur or eccentric, the lack of a planned day or just the look in peoples eyes when my response to the above is 'I'm not sure' that kicked it in but around 48hrs ago panic officially took hold. I was in cold sweat, clammy palm territory.
No-one prepares you for those moments in time when you are faced with a decision like whether or not to take voluntary redundancy. I realise now that while I would never want to be in the predicament of having enforced redundancy thrown at me, to a certain extend it would be easier to deal with. Having to make a choice to leave somewhere with a solid income in search of the unknown when you are single and know there is no-one else kicking about to pay the bills is a seriously daunting thought. Come to think of it, I only know of one other person in the same circumstance that decided to take the plunge and use the situation as an opportunity to look for something new.
We are definitely in a time of change bloggers, no doubt about it.
Here's the rest
Bridesmaid dress bought and hanging up in my closet, Catchup with Baron, Herb and Clio went well and factored in some live music, plenty of booze, sunshine and a BBQ. Balloo is currently in a phase of depression which I'm trying to help him through although I'm feeling a little peeved that he falls off the planet somewhat when he is ok again. Beez and I are still in touch on/off via text and I'm sure we will catch up again in person soon. No other men are on the scene and to be honest I really, genuinely don't have time for that at the moment.
Is it possible that without realising I've somehow created my own mid-life crisis?
Robbie Williams - Old Before I Die
click for link
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