The naked truth on love, life, friendship, relationships, and of course sex! Courtesy of a 21st century chick

The continuation of blogs 'A year in the life of a 20-something year old' and 'Ser3ndipity' (Links Below)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Staring At The Stars

I had initially logged in today to give you an update on where things are with me, however I was met with a new comment on the final posting of the blog prior to this one that kinda made me stop and take note.

It seems by bumbling through life and spilling the beans about how I'm feeling and where I'm going to try and go next I seem to have helped a few people along the way.  I've had a few comments over the years on a few of the postings and a couple of you have even sent me the odd email but I guess it is  always just really nice to hear that you might have helped someone along the way. 

Life can be one seriously daunting experience at times, like a never ending hill or walking a tightrope above a vat of syrup but when things fall into place... there's no better feeling.  You've got to take the lows so you really appreciate the high's right?

Things going on with me at the moment:  Mr X back in touch as he is having a difficult time with work and needs an ear.  OOJ disappearing again despite recent conversations.  Pooch pushing me to meet him for cocktails next weekend at his flat which were meant to be as friends before his recent revelations.  Work boring me and stealing a little piece of my soul everyday that I'm not in something new and doing something that I love.  Cherry firmly on the radar but making no motion to commit or even organise another date so perhaps about to fall into the 'season' category of my dad's 'Reason a Season or a Lifetime' theory.  My bank balance at breaking point and a car that still won't start.  Hair that is currently goth black due to the terrible colour advice of a friend who shall never again be called upon in that capacity.  A chest infection that is seriously stinting my tough mudder training.  Accountant, Solicitor and Older guy back on the scene and asking for dates.  Mum on good form for the first time in a long time.  Music making an epic return into my life as the antidote to difficult times.

In the words of Oscar Wilde "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"

Ross Copperman - Holding On, Letting Go


  1. Keep 'em coming, 'dip. Love reading your posts. Maybe I'm living my life vicariously through you while working 10 hour days. Oh well. :)

  2. Thanks Rob, although I'm pretty sure you manage to cause some trouble of your own


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