The naked truth on love, life, friendship, relationships, and of course sex! Courtesy of a 21st century chick

The continuation of blogs 'A year in the life of a 20-something year old' and 'Ser3ndipity' (Links Below)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Audience & Audio

Hi Bloggers!

So I have fallen off the planet since starting this blog (sorry!) So I figured I would give you a tasty treat as a word of thanks for those of you who keep following me and those of you who have been with me since the first blog that started in December 2009 - aaaages ago!

I haven't over thought it so there may be quite a bit of mumbling etc.  Hope you enjoy!

Realise the initial upload was corrupt so it has been reloaded

Song Challenge Day 1:  Your Favourite Song
(Ok so this one is practically impossible... It changes for me on a daily basis so today you get the 'my favourite today' cop out :p
Jimmy Eat World - In The Middle

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